Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My first post!!

This is a little strange for me, because I'm newbie in this kind of web sites, but I will try to do my best.
Last semester was very stressful, I had to do two courses by second time, but I passed both without any problem. Unfortunately I failed Histhology and I become so frustrated because I studied so much, and I think that deserved to pass it; I really hate it, because it was an annual course and I'm actually doing it again and it takes me lots of time because I can't understand the subjects. The other annual course that I had last semester was anathomy, but I passed it almost "scratching the floor" without recuperative test. Courses like Animal Behavior and Epidemiology wasn't a problem for me, in fact I loved them because I just have to go to the classes and read only once my notes, and I got very good marks, and I didn't had to do the integrative and recuperative tests in Epidemiology. But not everythig was good; in July, I finished my relationship with my ex-boyfriend, and it left me a little depressed, and I just wanted to go to my home in Linares and hold my mother tight, but I couldn't because I had too many tests in that week. I don't know why but, after a little time it gave me strenght and I started to dadecate all my time for studyng and well, I'm actually very happy with my last semester's results.
All the sportive activities that I done in last semester was riding my horses in Linares; I wanted to play volleyball in our faculty, but i couldn't find extra time for it.
Well, I guess that's all I have to tell about last semester, so...
see you in a next post!