Thursday, September 24, 2009

About being chilean...

I do not have a specific meaning of what is to be a Chilean; it this inside each one of us and I feel that it is not a definition that can be generalized; nevertheless there are certain characteristics that we have jointly; for that we are world-wide knowed, as being lazy and little drunkards, but the most important is to be warm and friendly. I'm really proud of being chilean, because I think that I'm living in a marvelous country; we have wonderful landscapes, and we can go to the snow and to the beach in the same day!

I really love our traditions and I love too the air that is breathing in September; when everybody is happy, going to the “fondas”, dancing “cueca” (i love to dance cueca), raising “volantines”, etc.

There are some black episodes in the history of our country; no one can deny it, but everyone of that moments has driven us to be the country that we are now, so even if we are not agree with the whole process that brought us here, we must not be ashamed wherefrom we come; we must say with the forehead in high place ¡I am Chilean!

1 comment:

  1. I do not have a specific meaning of what is to be a Chilean; it this inside each one of us and I feel that it is not a definition that can be generalized; nevertheless ^ there are certain characteristics that we have jointly; for that we are world-wide WF knowed, as being lazy and little drunkards, but the most important is to be warm and friendly. I'm really proud of being chilean, because I think that I'm living in a marvelous country; we have wonderful landscapes, and we can go to the snow and to the beach in the same day!

    I really love our traditions and I love too the air that is breathing in September; when everybody is happy, going to the “fondas”, dancing “cueca” (i love to dance cueca), raising ? “volantines”, etc.

    There are some black episodes in the history of our country; no one can deny it, but everyone of that moments has driven us to be the country that we are now, so even if we are not agree with the whole process that brought us here, we must not be ashamed wherefrom we come; we must say with the forehead in high place ¡I am Chilean!

    well done! although I still think you need to give support to your ideas.
    long sentences....
    p.s you got a 5.7
