Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Places to go in Stgo.

I really don't know Santiago very well, because I've been living here only since last year, but if i had to recommend to somebody, i guess that the 5 places to visit in Santiago, that i would choose are:

In first place, i would recommend to visit the "san Cristobal hill"because, there are many centers of tourist attraction, for example, there is the detropolitan zoo, two swimming pools, the "Ermitaño" (that it is a place where people can make barbecues in evenings), and the house of the culture "Anahuac", in which there are realized art exhibitions, events, seminars etc.

After visiting the hill san critobal, a very good option to have lunch would be the mystician "piojera" (named by Arturo Alessandri), that is located opposite to the central market. In "la Piojera", you can consume some typical Chilean foods, and to drink the delicious "terremoto".

Another place that a foreigner should visit, specially if is a young person, is "bellavista neighborhood" . This neighborhood concentrates most of the Bohemian night of Santiago; so, there we can find locals for all the types of taste; from homosexual clubs up to "salsotecas". Definitively in a good place to go out at night.

Also I would recommend to do a tour for the handcraft center " Pueblito de los Domínicos", which has more than 160 workshops of different regions of Chile. This handcraft center even preserves the aspect of village, and is located in the center of Las Condes.

And finally, I think that every foreign person should visit the “Bellas Artes Museum” and the MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo), that depends of the University of Chile.

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