Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dogs: The mail problem in Veterinary Faculty... isn't ironic?

The principal problem in our faculty, is that is full of dogs that aren't t in the best conditions. Every week when we arrive to the faculty, we can find new dogs that can infect others of some diseases, ticks, or that simply they generate fights between the different herds, and apart from leaving injuries between the same animals, they can manage to damage the students that tries to separate them. Other problems due to the excess of dogs that are left by them owners, is the fact that, often, these turn out to be aggressive and attack the animals of "Mundo Granja", producing losses of sheeps principally, and animals of other species as, for example an emĂș who died in the first semester.

Lamentably there does not exist any radical measure that could stop this problem quickly, because this one is not due to wrong practices inside the faculty; it is due to the lack of information and culture of the persons who live near the faculty, which they believe that for the fact that the faculty is of veterinary, it has the means to take charge of their animals.
A measure that might be taken, is doing massive and free sterilizations or at very low costs in the surroundings of the university, to avoid to future "not wished puppybirths " and this way to avoid also the abandon of the puppies that the owners can't give.

Also another measure to take, could be to try to generate conscience in the colleges, and try that the owners get worry about sterilizing their dogs. The measures that I mentioned might be effective,in long-term, but for it it's needed lots of time, dedication and money, so, by this way that maybe this problem will continues the following years in our faculty.

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